Operating systems that can be found on smartphones include Nokia's Symbian OS, Apple's IOS, RIM's BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Linux, Palm Web OS, Google's Android and Nokia's Maemo. Android, WebOS and Maemo are in turn built on top of Linux, and the iPhone OS is derived from the BSD and Next Step operating systems, which all are related to Unix.
The most common operating systems (OS) used in smartphones by Q2 2009 sales are:
- Symbian OS from the Symbian Foundation (50.3% Market Share Sales Q2 2009) (open public license)
- RIM BlackBerry OS (20.9% Market Share Sales Q2 2009) (closed source, proprietary)
- iOS from Apple Inc. (13.7% Market Share Sales Q2 2009) (closed source, proprietary)
- Windows Phone from Microsoft (9% Market Share Sales Q2 2009) (closed source, proprietary)
- Android from Google Inc. (2.8% Market Share Sales Q2 2009) (open source, GPL)
- Linux operating system (open source, GPL)
- Palm web OS from Palm Inc. and Palm OS/Garnet OS from Access Co. (closed source, proprietary)
- bada from Samsung Electronics (closed source, proprietary)
- MeeGo from Nokia and Intel (open source, GPL)
- Maemo from Nokia (open source, GPL)
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